
A peasant woodland | A Working Library

The more compelling and interesting reason that most writers seek out readers is, I think, less utilitarian: we receive our writing as a gift, and so it must be given in turn. We write because something needs to be expressed through us, and only by giving the writing to a reader is that need fulfilled.

This is such an interesting back and forth between two of the most intelligent writers/essayists I have the pleasure of reading.

I largely agree that this is part of it for me. That said, for me there’s a bigger reason… Clarity. Writing is the only way I know of to make my thoughts clear — both for others (the reader) and myself (the writer). I seek out readers because I want those now clear thoughts to be listened to, considered, and understood. Especially because I often don’t feel that they are all of these things internally — inside my head they are a confused and jumbled mess. Only when I put them out there do I finally make sense of them. It’s like, “Ah ha! So I can make sense of this mess!” I’m a reader too.

Frank Turner – ‘Do One’

Some people are just going to hate you
No matter what you do
So don’t waste your time trying to change their minds
Just be a better you

It took me years to learn this
(More than I’d like to admit)
But through my ups and downs I figured one thing out:
Don’t take anyone’s shit

The thing with grudges is that the longer you hold them, the more likely it is that those you are holding it against have long forgotten it.

This is your reminder that…

  • Pundits are not Journalists.
  • Op-ed is not news.
  • Polls are propaganda.
  • Anyone can be a “media outlet” or a “Journalist” on the Internet.
  • Just because you read it does not make it true.
  • Especially scrutinize things that confirm your theories and views.
  • Trust but verify.

Hurricane Helene: Rumor Response | FEMA.gov

Get the facts from the source. The problem, of course, is…

Mike Rothschild, a journalist who has written two books about conspiracy theory culture, called FEMA’s effort “noble but doomed.” He wrote on X that “nobody who wants to believe the lies will trust the source, and the denials will just be rolled into the conspiracy theories.”

False claims about the federal response to Helene are an ominous sign for the coming election | CNN Business

“A billion dollars was stolen from FEMA to use it for illegal migrants,” Trump falsely claimed Friday in Georgia.

But Trump was actually accusing the Biden administration of an act very similar to something he did as president.

“Republican elected officials keep rebutting the BS, and MAGA does not care,” conservative columnist David French said in a social media post Saturday. “They follow liars, and when the liars lie, they believe them and hate anyone who tells the truth.”