
Back and Gone

The Good News…
Bethany and I have arrived safely back home and had a wonderful honeymoon in Spain. It was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. A perfect honeymoon. We found people very friendly and, since we stayed in the old parts of the towns, very easy to walk most places. I think I lost about 10 pounds while there because of the amount of walking we did.
The Bad News…
This past weekend, while we were still away, our house was broken into. They kicked in our two inch thick solid wood back door, literally off it’s hinges. We are still enumerating the items taken. Suffice to say that it is totaling in the thousands of dollar range. All of our laptops, iPods, a DVD player, some watches from my collection, about a third of our wine collection and more booze on hand, some cash, gift cards… And that is only about half the list. Even more painful is that Bethany did not have a very recent backup so lots of her work is lost.
Therefore, please bear with the continued delay between posting as we try to recover (and since my main computer was one of the ones taken).

3 thoughts on “Back and Gone”

  1. Remainders 03.09.2007
    Take a look a these sexy action list planning pads from Behance. MoCo Loco has a quick peek at the Moleskine City Notebook for New York City and mostly likes what it sees. We used the Barcelona model while we…

  2. Remainders 04.05.2007
    Steve Rubel at Micropersuasion has come up with this handy collection of “MiniMe” Bookmarklets which load micro versions of sites in a small window you can keep next to your browser window. Therefore, you can kep things like Wikipedia, Goog…

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