If you’d like a more narrative rundown of our New England college visiting, make sure to follow my wife’s blog.
Category: link
Daring Fireball: Something Is Rotten in the State of Cupertino
When mediocrity, excuses, and bullshit take root, they take over.
As the great President-Philosopher George Dubya Bush once said, “Fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.”
Don’t fool John Gruber.
How to clean the bathroom – annie’s blog
No quoting. Just go and read it.
sempervirens — forest for the trees
Here’s what I know. I will grow where I am. I will reach for the sun. I will lock my roots with others, deep underground. I will share what I have. I will receive help. I will be in community. I will be here.
Daniel Nesbit, one of my favorite writers, is back.
My Five Top Women Role Models (plus one!)
My wife, on the women who’ve made a true impact on her life.
After years of no change, both Shawn and I have recently updated and brought to current the What We Use page over at The Cramped.
Today is “back page update day” for me, apparently.
I updated my Now page including details on our upcoming trip to the Boston area. If you are in that area we’d love to see you.
PM Talks S2E2 with Mike Vardy and Patrick Rhone — Episode 589: Alignment
I’ve not yet posted the latest episode of my monthly conversation with my friend Mike Vardy about ideas that matter. In this episode, we talk about the importance of making sure your tasks align with your purpose.
One of the favorite, most interesting, and most generally useful things I read every year, Warren Buffett’s annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholder’s letter. I always learn something applicable and actionable.