
Clothes — A Daily Thread – Post 7

Another area where my wife is far better than me when it comes to clothing (and SO MANY OTHER THINGS) is how infrequently she buys anything brand new.

For many years, she’s been very active on a couple of groups on Facebook. One is a local Buy/Sell/Trade group and another is a Buy Nothing group. Between these, she often finds clothing items that people are simply giving away free or selling for a very low price. Used items in good condition that they no longer need and would like to see enjoyed by someone else. She’s gotten a number of wonderful items this way that she looks great in.

That said, the primary means she uses to find fresh wardrobe items, and for getting rid of those she’s no longer wearing, is through clothing exchanges. In general, these are organized regularly through a Facebook group of local women she’s a member of. Someone decides to host one at their house and it’s exactly what it sounds like — show up with a bag or two of stuff you’d like to go elsewhere, and find things you like that other’s have brought. Anything left is usually either donated by the host to Goodwill or a women’s shelter or saved for the next clothing exchange elsewhere.

I’d be willing to be that 9 out of 10 days of the week, if you were to ask my wife where she got an outfit she’s wearing, it likely came from one of these two methods and it’s been that way for many years.

I have not really been able to tap into a community of guys (or male identifying) folks to do the same. Part of that may simply be not engaging as much where such things are organized (i.e. I find Facebook inscrutable). That said, occasionally there are men’s clothing items available at these exchanges my wife frequents or up for the taking on the Buy Nothing group and my wife is careful to look out for things I may like. Like I said in a pervious post, I could probably identify a half dozen things in my regular wardrobe that fit this bill.

Perhaps another idea for buying less is to see if there are any such groups around in your area and get involved. I know I hope to make it an intention to host a male/butch oriented clothing exchange myself in the future and see if I can help make it a regular thing for such a group here. Because, I know, for me, that if I am occasionally getting something fun that is “new to me”, I’m less likely to be tempted by something simply new or driven to purchase something to fill a perceived need.