
Dressing My Age

It was Bethany’s birthday last Friday (Happy Birthday Baby!). I did my best to plan a whole day worth of fun activities in order to celebrate. We started with a great brunch meal at Hell’s Kitchen, saw a Fringe Festival show and went to the Lagoon Theater and saw the film Crash, and that is only half of it.
After the movie, we decided to walk around uptown a bit and do a little window shopping. We stopped a few different places but eventually came to Urban Outfitters. For those who don’t know, Urban Outfitters is the place to shop for the to-cool-for-school crowd. It was here, between the throwback-logo-ringer tees, too-hip-to-do-the-laundry denim, euro-trash-trainer jackets and mad-cow-suede track shoes that it finally hit me… I am too old for these clothes.
I have now reached an age where, some of the fashions that would have looked great on me even a few short years ago, now would look ridiculous on me. I don’t quite know when or how this happened. It seems like just yesterday I would have looked great in this stuff. And it is not just this store either. It seems about half of the stores that exist in todays retail mall landscape largely sell stuff that, if I were to wear it, I would look like a 37 year old trying to look 17. Do you know why? Because, I would be a 37 year old trying to look 17. I am just not a demographically catered-to mass market consumer any longer. At least not to the stores I used to frequent.
It all makes me feel so, well, old.