
Items Of Interest # 13

Here are some of the items that have floated through the ether, past my field of view, that have captured my attention long enough for me to pause and think, “Gosh, I should share this with you”. Strap in…

  • Our latest posted episode of The Unrecorded Podcast turned out even better than I remember it. And I remembered it fondly. Well worth unlistening to.

  • My friend Shawn Blanc has his 2014 Membership Drive and Giveaway going on right now. Shawn writes for his site full time and relies on the generous support of his readers to do so. In return, he simply writes one of the best sites on the Internet. A bargain at any price and worthy of your support.

  • Speaking of both Shawn and myself, I was a guest on his Weekly Briefly podcast a bit over a week ago to discuss writing ā€” especially writing for an online audience. It has been very well received by all who listen. If you have ever wondered about how to grow an audience, make money, or otherwise be successful at this endeavor, this is what you need to hear.

  • In just a few more days, my wife and I will officially open our new project, Tweet Small Change. What is it? $140 micro-grants given to compelling arts projects that are pitched via tweet. In other words, artists and creators submit an idea via tweet for what they would do with $140. Submissions are open for 48 hours once announced. The best are chosen ā€” up to 10 per round (i.e. each round is funded at $1400.00). All we ask is that creators share their projects on social networks with the hashtag #tweetsmallchange or otherwise let us know. Please spread the word on this and follow @achangetweet.

  • I’ve really been enjoying my friend JD Bentley’s new project, The Wired Writers Guild. If you write for an online audience it is well worth checking out. I was even interviewed there for my thoughts on writing and publishing.

  • I’m generally put off by titles that sound like schlocky voodoo psedoscience like this one at The Talent Code: The Simple Phrase that Increases Effort 40%. But, then, I read the article and am now just waiting for the right opportunity to put this to action, “Iā€™m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.” Go read the reason why it is so effective and the study behind it (PDF). Makes a lot of sense.

  • One of my favorite groups, Nickel Creek, is back together and has a new album, “A Dotted Line”, coming out April 1st. This, after taking an indefinite hiatus several years back. The break was certainly understandable ā€” they have been playing together almost non-stop since childhood after all. That said, the “indefinite” nature left fans like me with some doubt about a reunion anytime soon. I’m glad to be wrong. There are a couple of tracks from the new album up on the website and they sound as fresh and brilliant as ever. They will be going on tour in support of the new album too. Unfortunately, I missed it and it is already sold out. So, if anyone with tickets to the May 11th show at the State Theater needs an extra kidney…

  • Out Of Paper is one of those neat ideas I wish I had though of first. It’s a notebook subscription service for folks like me that love their paper. Choose the notebook size/type that fits your needs (mainly ious sizes of Moleskine but some Field Notes too), the schedule you prefer, and they will show up in your mailbox automatically. Need one sooner? Either mail in the postcard included with each notebook, or use the handy form on the site, and they’ll ship it sooner for free. So very clever.

That seems enough to keep everyone busy for now. Until next time, remain strong and steadfast.