
March Forth

Today is one of my wife’s favorite days on the calendar, She likes it because March 4th is also a command, a call to action; March forth!

Two of my favorite writers recently wrote about thinking seasonally and using March as a starting point for the real action of the year.

Mike Vardy writes,

The calendar year starts, and you make plans. You set goals. You even build routines that feel solid. But somehow, it still doesn’t feel like the year has fully started.

That’s because January is a test. February is a warm-up. March? That’s the real beginning.

Seth Godin chimes in with,

January feels like the start of the year, but there’s always a hangover from the holidays. In the northern Hemisphere, February is dark and dreary and we’re mostly hunkering down waiting for the short month to end.

But March? Around the world, March can be a chance to get down to the work we committed to do.

I read both of these following a great session of home repair project planning for the coming Spring with my wife. All of this within 24 hours of each other. It felt like the universe was trying to tell me something…

Carpe diem. Seize the day.

So, I’m going to use this month to continue to, um, march forth on the goals I’ve set for the year.