“When I speak to new Levenger employees I tell them that the best perk of working here is interacting with Levenger customers. I tell them that at Levenger we may not be saving the world, but our customers are.” – Steve Leveen, CEO and co-founder of Levenger.
Nice infographic outlining the President’s travelling entourage. Your tax dollars at work! (via boing boing)
Take Notes like and Alpha Geek
Author, blogger, and self-described note taking addict Tim Ferriss shares some of his best tips for becoming a note taking Ninja. I myself have been trying to be better about the notes I take and making sure I do so as often as is needed. Therefore, I find much of this very compelling. Here are some of my favorite take away bits:
”Put page numbers on the upper-right of each right-hand page but not on the left (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.)… Whenever you complete a page, put the page number in an index on the inside cover (front or back) and a few words to describe the content. If it’s on the left-hand page, just take the prior page and add “.5” to it. Thus, if you flip over page 10, for example, and write on the back, that second page is “15.5” in the index.
I love this idea. Some notes one takes may span half a page, some multiple pages. This is a numbering scheme that can accommodate them all without having to number every single page.
”Not all notepads are created equal… This doesn’t mean that one is better for all things, just that you should match the form factor and durability of a notepad to the content.”
Not to keep being a Levenger pimp but this is one of the reasons I am loving the Circa system. Some notes cry out for a cornell style page while those with sketches may require a grid style. Some may need a letter sized page, others a smaller one. With the Circa, I can mix and match the sizes, rule types (lined, grid, cornell, etc), colors that fit the topic and put them all into the same notebook.
There are many other good take away items in the rest of Tim’s post, well work the read.
_How to Take Notes Like an Alpha Geek _
New Analog Tools: Some recently acquired new analog tools… Junior sized Levenger Circa Foldover in a beautiful toffee colored leather, Pilot Prera pen with a super fine nib, Lamy Studio in black with a fine nib, and a Libelle Leather pen wrap to keep them pretty. I am a little bit addicted right now, can you tell?
Q&A With Senator Barack Obama On Key Technology Issues
Q&A With Senator Barack Obama On Key Technology Issues
Not only does he have a pretty good understanding of the key issues facing technology, but he also has a plan on how to handle them.
25 Hours of FedEx flight operations (via monsterflake) – I find this time lapsed video of all North American Fed-Ex flights over a 25 hour period strangly meditative. I love how they all “swarm” to Memphis and then back again.
Cloudgate Skyline: Photo of Cloudgate from a recent trip to Chicago.
Etsy :: laptopwallet snap – handmade in austria
Etsy :: laptopwallet snap – handmade in austria
Beautiful laptop sleeve. This will have to go on my Christmas list for sure.
Sunset (via snugglewombat) – We recently went down to Scottsdale, AZ to visit a client of mine, Bethany took some great photos while we were there of the house we stayed in. View the entire set here.
Mac Tip: Display the Date on the Menubar
Mac Tip: Display the Date on the Menubar
This is actually a pretty clever and useful little tip.