
Wrapping Up MinneBar

So, I started to run out of battery. Therefore, I could not do any more posts from MinneBar…

All in all, it was a fantastic event. The session on co-working was tres useful and I think we might be able to band together and come up with some ideas moving forward.

Of course, I would be a fool if I did not mention how cool the session with David Heinemeier Hansson of 37 Signals fame was. He was confident and opinionated and a no nonsense sort of guy. He had lots of interesting perspectives on programming, startups and what it is like to build simple products that solve real world spaces.

The First Thing About Ajax

Just learning a little bit about Ajax. One of the advantages of using ajax in your web development is that it increases perceived responsiveness of your web applications. This results in increased productivity, ease of use and, therefore, improved user experience. The downsides; makes tracking web statistics more difficult, ditto for search engine indexing and, ditto for accessibility  (for the disabled).

Web 2.0: In business, out of beta

Panel discussion on starting up business in the new internet era. Kind of just starting. More to follow.

The difference between Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 is that it takes less people and resources to build a business now because the tools and connectivity are there.

Interstingly, Digg traffic is not sustained traffic, it may drive people there but the content has to appeal to your target audience. Therefore, getting picked up by similar blogs to the content you are providing is more advantageous.

Translating Geek: Executable Documentation

Good talk so far. Basically it is about developing documentation that bridges the customer’s expectation with the technical delivery of the end product. The idea centers around a “story test”. The story test is a boolean test – something either is true or false. Once you have a deliverable that tests “true” to all of the criteria driven by the expectation, you have met that expectation.


I am currently waiting for the first seesion I am interested in – Translating Geek: Executable Documentation. Right now they are looking around for Power for the projector.

They found power. They came up with a good solution for propping the projector up to the right height – place two folding chairs ontop of each other. The geeks immediately dubbed it a very MinneBar solution.

MinneBar Liveblogging

I am currently at MinneBar, an un-conference happening in the Lowertown area of Saint Paul today. Looks to be a great day with many promising sessions. I plan on trying to live blog the sessions attend (or would that be live tumble?). Therefore, stay tuned right here for updates and please excuse any typos, misspellings and other drawbacks created by quick posting.

Remainders 04.17.2007

When some people first start implementing GTD, they feel the need to run out and spends lots of cash getting chic notebooks, nice pens, expensive folders and labelers. While these things are nice to have you don’t need a lot of money to get started with a trusted system. Towards that end, Brett at the ever useful Cranking Widgets blog has a good tutorial on making a GTD system for about $20. Proof that is is about the system, not the tools.
Jott is the first truly killer web app I have seen in a while. It works like this – Call Jott, tell it who you want to send a Jott to, talk after the beep, the magic robot turns your words into text, robot sends your words as e-mail. Send a Jott to yourself, send one to others, all from your phone. Killer.
Wise Geek has some good tips on making your offline life a little easier. Some of my fave tips here include, keeping your essential items in one place, keeping a backup fund of cash hidden for emergencies, and saying “no”. (via Lindsay)