Randy Murray – Things That You Are Wrong About
Teach your young children something verifiably false. You must start with them very young and be very clear, detailed, and back it up with complete nonsense. If you’re lucky, they’ll later discover that something they believed was false and make the leap to the all-important realization, “I wonder what else they’ve been lying to me about?” Congratulations! You’ve set your child on the healthy road to skepticism and a life long pursuit of checking things out, probing, and thinking. And Merry Christmas!
This is such a great idea. Deceptive but an important lesson to learn. Beatrix is currently well into her “Why?” phase. Almost every statement we make is met with this question. At first, I would answer only to have her retort with another “Why?”. Then, I tried returning with “Why do you think?” in an effort to try to spur her own discernment. Teaching kids how to think is far more important than giving them the answers.