
Remainders 08.06.2007

There are a ton of GTD based task management applications still on the horizon. One to fit just about any preference it seems.
On one end of the spectrum, there will be Things by Cultured Code. If you like the bells and whistles wrapped in a pretty package than this will be the one for you. It has a ton of features like tagging, hierarchy, a quick entry pane, etc. You can even delegate items by Mail, Bonjour or iChat. (via Daring Fireball)
On the other end, there is TaskPaper. It is basically a very simple GUI and formatting structure wrapped around a text file. Seriously, the document it creates to store your data is nothing more than a text file and can be opened and manipulated with a text editor. It is done in such a disarmingly simple and minimalist way that I immediately fell in love. If you are looking for something with a little more formating and clarity than a plain text file but no more than this is for you. (via 43 Folders)
If neither of those flip your switch, ATPM has a fantastic rundown of the current deluge of GTD applications that are available. Well worth a read if you are still on the search. (via 43 Folders)
Not GTD related, an interesting blog to pop up on the radar screen is TagaMac. They plan to explore the intersections of “tagging” and the Macintosh. Tagging is becoming an increasingly popular way to classify and easily search and sort items. Many of the applications I use rely heavily on tags. If given the choice between tagging and organizing things into folders, give me tagging any day.
Being that I am about to have a newborn (Princess Bethany and I are “with child”), I found this post at The Simple Dollar timely. If you start saving 10 dollars a day on the day your child is born, and you play your cards right, you could have $38,952.16 to give them when they are 25. Great down payment for their first house.

3 thoughts on “Remainders 08.06.2007”

  1. I’d go back and re-read that post at Simple Dollar. $10/day is $3650/year, which over 25 years is $91250 before interest calculations.
    $10/week (as the article describes) is much more doable, but requires careful management to maintain the interest rate necessary to hit that $38K. Not hard, just careful.
    Even with CDs at a bank you can get 4% interest pretty easily, so turning $10/week into $38000 should be easy.
    When you break it down to something small, something attainable like $10/week, it’s so within reach that you wonder why you haven’t been doing it for years already. It just takes the willpower to a) start, and b) NEVER touch that nest-egg until it’s come to term.

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