“Your goodness must have some edge to it, else it is none.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson – Self Reliance
by Patrick Rhone, Master Generalist
“Your goodness must have some edge to it, else it is none.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson – Self Reliance
I’ve updated my “What I’ve read” list with the two most recent books: http://patrickrhone.com/reading/
A friend. A mother. A caregiver.
Depression. Suicide.
Her pain and suffering ended. Those who knew her, now begin theirs.
This video of Cory Henry’s solo on “Lingus” is everything @adamlisagor says it is and more. So amazing: http://lonelysandwich.com/post/154052197094/cory-henrys-solo-on-lingus-im-going-to-retire
The always wise @sivers reminds us that small change can make a big difference: https://sivers.org/tilt
See also: https://www.patrickrhone.net/pennies-on-the-pendulum/
“If you’re willing to go within, remember that a blank sheet of paper is far more beneficial than thinking you have all the answers.” — @JuSummerhayes https://juliansummerhayes.me/2016/12/03/making-the-most-of-your-gifts/
I heard somewhere that you are born with the face god gave you, but the face you have at sixty is the face you deserve.
— Sonya Park
Introducing Beatrix, who has fallen in love with @msleamichele and the show Glee, to Spring Awakening. She’s 8 and loves musicals. #dreamkid