“Every resource is finite.” — A wise post by my young friend Lucy: http://lucybossert.tumblr.com/post/152491107508/back-to-the-real-world
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She wanted to fix up and own a home. She did everything right, except read the fine print: http://www.twincities.com/2016/10/28/thinking-about-fixing-up-forfeited-home-in-inner-city-read-alishas-story-first/
Shot on October 29, 2016 at 09:13AM
Link 00122
This is the idea behind Rhoneisms. A place for things between zero and 300 words. On the open web. That I own. https://www.patrickrhone.net
Thought 00121
Also, a gentle reminder. If it takes more than three tweets it should be a blog post. Twitter’s not the place for stories.
Thought 00120
Oh, look! The Apple Mac Event is over and my 2010 11 inch Air still works just as well as before. Guess I’ll keep using it. #whatwebelievein
Shot on October 26, 2016 at 02:08PM
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For those that don’t wish to subscribe to my newsletter or want to see what’s there, there’s always the archive: http://tinyletter.com/patrickrhone/archive
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My goal, as a writer, is to always try to make the best thing I’ve published the last thing I’ve published. I feel today’s letter meets that goal: http://tinyletter.com/patrickrhone
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First email to my @tinyletter friends I’ve sent in a while. Sign up here: http://tinyletter.com/patrickrhone/