I do have to say the idea of a co-operatively owned Twitter is an intriguing one: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/29/save-twitter-buy-platform-shared-ownership
Link 00108
Kind of really needed this today; The Stakes Couldn’t Be Lower by @cjchilvers: http://cjchilvers.com/blog/the-stakes-couldnt-be-lower
Link 00107
The Slice Planner has quickly become my daily driver. My review: rhone.link/2eeq7RB and Kickstarter: kck.st/2dLmsIU
Shot on October 17, 2016 at 07:21AM
Thought 00106
Twitter Geek Poll: What’s good in Windows desktop PCs these days? For a client. Must be a Desktop (no laptops).
Shot on October 16, 2016 at 12:26PM
Thought 00105
Spending most of the fall smelling like a campfire is not necessarily a bad thing.
Shot on October 15, 2016 at 04:43PM
Link 00104
If you like the chrono time tracking style of the notebook I posted, @cjchilvers uses this: https://gutentagmethod.com
Link 00103
So, I guess secret notebook is not *that* secret. It’s just in beta (and I’m a tester): http://sliceplanner.com